melanophore-expanding principle

melanophore-expanding principle
меланоформный [меланоцитостимулирующий] гормон

Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.

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Смотреть что такое "melanophore-expanding principle" в других словарях:

  • principle — 1. A general or fundamental doctrine or tenet. SEE ALSO: law, rule, theorem. 2. The essential ingredient in a substance, especially one that gives it its distinctive quality or effect. [L. principium, a beginning, fr. princeps, chief] active p. a …   Medical dictionary

  • melanotropin — A polypeptide hormone secreted by the intermediate lobe of the hypophysis in humans (in neurohypophysis in certain other species) which causes dispersion of melanin by melanophores, resulting in darkening of the skin, presumably by promoting… …   Medical dictionary

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